Not long after we moved, our daughter got married. So: what was next for me and Fritz? I’d been thinking about this anyway, about the broad contours of my life, what was really important. One of the reasons we “upsized” when we moved was to have a larger home for hospitality (and, Lord willing, grandchildren!). I realized that friendship, both with other couples and with women, really mattered to me, and now was the season for cultivation. My church, my home, my own flitty creative impulses--all these were calling me. And I think they were calling Jane, too.
Jane: Definitely! It's funny, after I retired from Christian publishing almost three years ago, I wondered if I'd ever write again. I felt stale, dried up, overwhelmed by the tough season of elder-care issues Rich and I went through last year, culminating in his dad's passing and his mom's move into assisted living. Bimonthly breakfasts with Betsey became that bright spot on my calendar. I knew I could vent about the nuts and bolts of life--issues such as the challenges of parenting adult (and newly married) children, caring for aging parents, dealing with my own aging, loving my husband well, even finding adventure and renewed purpose in midlife--and Betsey would understand. Plus there was the added joy of discovering how much we also liked engaging the larger world of ideas. I found myself feeling "creative" again--much to my delight!
The truth is, I can be a Lady Who Lunches, but I'd rather cultivate the riches that come from friendships that dig beneath the surface. These are the ones that inquire and encourage and inspire, the ones that help you feel Not So Alone on this wild ride called life. And that's exactly what happens when Betsey and I gather to feast on breakfast goodies and explore the external and internal contours of our lives.
Betsey: This blog, then, really grows out of our regular breakfasts and other times of lengthy, caffeine-fueled conversation. One thing I’ve realized over the years is, if you think something, chances are others do, too. So this is a conversation between two friends--but we want others to “listen in” and add their comments. So welcome to the world of betsey:jane!
1 comment:
This is a great idea for a blog. I like the coffee mug picture and graphic design too. Blessings on your conversations!
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